Welcome To A New Standard Of Education! University Of Aenon (The Spiritual Fountain)
• Is the official Educational Institution of the California District Council 66th Episcopal District of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc. It is an affiliate extension of Aenon Bible College–Indianapolis, the official Educational Institution of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc., accreditation by ACI.
• Has entered an age of groundbreaking and unprecedented technology that will revolutionize how you think about education.
• The faculty and administrative staff of the UOA welcome you. We hold the greatest confidence that our partnership with you will add value to your ministry and to your overall vision.
• Accreditation – University Of Aenon partners with Aenon Bible College Indianapolis which holds accreditation with ACI accreditation agency.
• Instruction – Qualified and proven degreed and certified instructors who have years of ministry experience.
• Confidence – UOA has a reputation of high integrity, efficiency and security regarding all recordkeeping.
The curriculum is designed to give a strong foundation and knowledge of God’s Word and to prepare men and women for Kingdom ministry. A course schedule is provided for printing, however, classes may be updated and changed and a new schedule will be made available.
UOA Academic Programs
Certificates for any specific area of Temple Ministry will be awarded for a 12-credit hour program or an Associate Degree (two-year / 60 credit hour program). The first year offers 10 courses (30 credit hours) and provides a strong foundational study.
The second year offers courses in two concentrations (1) Bible and Theology and (2) Pastoral Leadership. Upon completion of the two-year (60 hour) program, students may select the concentration for the Associate’s Degree.
Issuance of Degrees
UOA will be responsible for the issuance of college credits and degrees.
Life Time Learning Assessment Available
Life time Learning and professional Assessment Evaluation can be equated to semester credits-for full -time Pastors, Associate Pastors, Missionaries, Evangelist and other church officers. Final decision is subject to Administrative approval. Pastoral Ministry Life experience can be assessed and converted into semester units based upon number of years in ministries.
In 1940, Bishop Karl F. Smith and LaBaugh H. Stansbury , established a Pentecostal Bible Training Center. It was given the name “Aenon” meaning “springs”, alluding to the waters of educational and spiritual refreshing that would spring from its midst. The Aenon Bible College West Coast has grown from the Mother college located in Indianapolis, Indiana. (Aenon Bible College, Inc.)
Adhering to the obedience of God the late Bishop Frank R. Bowdan, established Aenon Bible College West Coast. This was the official school extension under the Board Chairmanship of Bishop Francis Smith In 1972. Guided by God once again Bishop Bowdan, in 1972 appointed Dr. Norma Sylvester Jackson as the Dean of the West Coast branch where she served for 32 yrs in various capacities. Aenon Bible College West Coast became a spirit filled and a highly recognized college under her direction and was known for dynamic, bible teachers.
Upon her death in 2005, the college underwent a transition. After a period of time the ABCWC was conducted at Peace Apostolic Church, under the leadership of Bishop Howard Swancy located in Carson California.
ABCWC suffered another transition in 2011 and is now under the current leadership of Dr. John F. Portis, Dean of Academic Affairs.
This GREAT Institution has with-stood the test of times and shall continue to educate, train and equip the people of God through the quality of education that it has produced in the past years. Though the leadership has changed the professional spiritual background remain the same. A new leadership for a new time.
Mission Statement
The mission of UOA is to provide the education to individuals who possess the desire in evangelizing the world. In this mission we hope to equip people with the gospel of Jesus Christ in Spirit and Truth for the glory of God. We aim to provide friendly internal and external relations. Promote missions awareness and support. Increase contacts with the most effective means of follow-up. Build personal relationships and strong family units. Provide continuous education for everyone. Increase involvement. Promote godly disciplines.