Here at Church of Apostolicity, we work together to have a church that runs like a well oiled machine, in hopes of exemplifying The Body of Christ, having many members/functions but is ONE body, with one mind and one focus. The focus is to spread the Good Word of God , with our words and by our actions.

The Brotherhood Ministry is where the Men of COA come together to sharpen and encourage each other and reach out to encourage other brothers who are in need of hope and support.
“We Are Our Sisters Keeper”
The Sisterhood Ministry of COA is designed to keep our women actively engaged in learning God’s word and will for our lives; as we work together to tear down walls and encourage one another as we reach out to women who lack hope and a relationship with God.

Church Of Apostolicity has a large Youth Department with a wide range of ages. This ministry was designed with the intention to keep our young people connected to God, from childhood to adulthood. So many young people start off with a strong foundation in God but if we are not careful to keep them occupied the cares and desires of this world will choke/kill out the word which they grew up on.
“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6